Package com.appoptics.api.ext

Enables custom instrumentation by providing SDK to initiate traces, send span entry, info, and exit events, and report errors.

There are 2 ways to insert custom instrumentation:

  1. Apply annotation to methods LogMethod
  2. Create and report traces/events explicitly using Trace and TraceEvent

The SDK is based around event generation and reporting. Events are created, populated with key/value pairs and reported.

The SDK jar file appoptics-sdk.jar can be located in the agent installation directory and copied into your build project. It can also be downloaded from or be included as a Maven Dependency with group ID and artifact ID appoptics-sdk

The SDK jar file appoptics-sdk.jar must be used during the development and building phases. Please import or reference classes/interfaces from package com.appoptics.api.ext only and ensure the SDK jar file/classes is accessible in your runtime classpath/environment. Please take note that the java agent jar file appoptics-agent.jar should only be used via the javaagent JVM argument and not be included elsewhere in your runtime classpath/environment or you may encounter classloader errors.

All publicly accessible SDK classes are in this com.appoptics.api.ext package. Your application code should not import classes outside of this package. Even if they are marked as public, classes and interfaces outside of com.appoptics.api.ext are subject to change without notice.

See Also:
Java Agent - Instrumentation SDK